Post Operative Instructions for Dental Implant Patients

Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential for healing. If Peridex mouth rinse was prescribed, you may use it that evening before bed. The day after surgery, the Peridex mouth rinse should be used three times daily, after breakfast, lunch, and before bed. Be sure to rinse gently for at least 30 seconds then spit it out. Warm salt-water rinses (one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) should be used at least four times a day as well, especially after meals. Brushing your teeth is not a problem even with a healing abutment or temporary crown. Be gentle initially when brushing the surgical area. Use an extra-soft toothbrush to clean the abutment and adjacent teeth. You may use a normal toothbrush on the rest of your mouth. Avoid using a Water-Pik or Sonicare type toothbrush around the surgical area.


It is important that you maintain your nutrition post operatively. We will be encouraging you to eat soon after your procedure. You will get food around the surgical site, this is normal; however, try not to chew directly on the area. Avoid sharp, crunchy or hard foods that could disturb the surgical area. Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid very hot liquids or food. Stay with softer foods, take smaller bites, and eat slower for the first few days. Return to a normal diet as soon as possible , usually 2-3 days, unless otherwise directed.

Wearing Your Prosthesis

If a denture, partial denture or flipper was placed in your mouth, we will give you instructions about its use and home care. However, you may need to see your dentist to have it adjusted and learn how to remove and replace it properly. Be careful chewing with the prosthesis in, and do not allow it to impinge on the tissue or healing abutment.


Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery. To minimize swelling, apply an ice bag or towel filled with ice on the cheek or lip in the surgical area. Apply ice 20 minutes on, 10 minutes off continuously while awake for the first 48 hours. After 48 hours, moist heat may be applied to help reduce any swelling.


Some bleeding or redness in the saliva is normal for the first 24 hours. Excessive bleeding can frequently be controlled by biting with pressure on a gauze pad directly on thebleeding wound for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues, please call for further directions.


You should begin taking pain medication as soon as you feel the local anesthetic wearing off. For moderate pain, one or two Extra Strength Tylenol may be taken every 6 hours. Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) may be taken instead of Tylenol. Ibuprofen, bought over the counter, comes in 200 mg tablets. Two to three tablets may be taken every 6 hours as needed for pain. For severe pain, the prescribed pain medication should be taken as directed. Do not take any of the above medication if you are allergic, or have been instructed by your doctor not to take it.


Be sure to take the antibiotics if prescribed as directed and completely. Discontinue antibiotic use in the event of a rash or other unfavorable reactions. The effectiveness of oral contraceptives will be affected by some medications including antibiotics. You should use an alternative form of birth control during the month in which these medications are prescribed.


Keep physical activities to a minimum immediately following surgery. If you are considering exercise, throbbing or bleeding may occur. After 2-3 days you may resume your workout schedule, but start slowly and gradually work into your normal routine. Be aware that your normal nourishment may be reduced due to your surgery; this could make you feel weak. If you feel light headed, stop exercising, rest and take some fluids.

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